Pentru a vedea AGENDA accesați AICI

Dear colleagues,

The National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM),

Center for Security Studies and Conflict Management (CSSMC),

Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies (ARSBN)

in partnership with

Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences

of the State University of Moldova,

Faculty of Philology and History of the Pedagogical State University „Ion Creangă”,

University „Valahia” of Târgoviște, and Memoria Cultural Foundation (Romania),

Invites you to submit a proposal to the International Conference ”The Dniester War of 1992: 30 Years After…, which will be held in Chisinau, a mixed event (online and offline), on March 4-5 2022.

The post-Soviet development of the Republic of Moldova and the construction of a democratic state are deeply marked by the Dniester War of 1992. Negotiations between the parties to the conflict have made very little progress towards a lasting settlement of the conflict. With the resumption of official talks in the process of resolving the 5 + 2 conflict, the Transnistrian issue remains a priority on the political agenda of the Republic of Moldova.

The conference aims to bring together representatives of academia, government institutions, politicians and civil society experts to provide critical analysis of the 1992 Dniester War, placing it in a broader regional context and examining the positions of actors. key in the conflict resolution process.


The conference will be structured in following sessions:

1) The causes of the military conflict on the Dniester since 1992: comparative approaches (Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine);

2) The consequences of the 1992 war for the citizens on both banks of the Dniester – social, economic, political, legal, humanitarian issues;

3) Settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and reintegration of the Republic of Moldova;

4) The international dimension of “Transnistrian conflict” (political, diplomatic, mass media, etc.).


The papers will be published in a conference proceeding (see attached Submission guidelines).

Please confirm your participation and return the application form to us by February 10, 2022


 The Conference Schedule and Deadlines:

  • 10 February 2022 – Conference registration –
  • 15 February 2022– Notification of acceptance
  • 4-5 March 2022 – Conference days
  • 31 March 2022 – Deadline for submitting the conference articles
  • Summer 2022 – Publication of the conference proceedings


Do not hesitate to contact us for further information: or

Submission guidelines HERE